Founded by Xhin-hua joseph, scop Technologies has grown from a small web design studio to a full-fledged digital agency. Our journey has been marked by a commitment to innovation, creativity, and excellence.
Our mission is to empower businesses and organizations to succeed in the digital landscape. We believe that every company deserves a stunning online presence that reflects their unique brand and values.
We offer a comprehensive range of web design and development services, including: - Custom Web Design - Web Development (Front-end and Back-end) - Domain Name selling - web hoisting - Responsive Design - E-commerce Solutions - Website Maintenance and Support - Digital Marketing and SEO and many more...
Here are our promotional plans...!
[Team Member 1] Name: ZZIWA JOSEPH Role: FRONTEND WEB DEVELOPER[htmL,css,javascript,node.js and react framework] Bio: Visit his personal website Image : [Team Member 2] Name : NAMAGEMBE SOPHIE Role : web designer Bio : Everyday is my birthday Image :
- [Award 1], [Year] - [Award 2], [Year] - [Award 3], [Year]
- [Partner 1] - [Partner 2] - [Partner 3]